What if we told you that the foods you eat every day can play a major role in reducing your risk of breast cancer?
According to a leading medical expert, certain foods can not only reduce the risk of breast cancer, but also prevent its recurrence.
This discovery is especially important for those who have recently been diagnosed or are at risk.
You may have already thought about what you can do besides treatment – what else can help keep the disease under control and allow you to live a full life?
One of the most powerful steps you can take is to overhaul your diet.
If you’re at risk for breast cancer, newly diagnosed breast cancer, or metastatic breast cancer, you may be wondering what you can do—beyond treatment and outside the doctor’s office—to keep the disease under control while continuing to live your life.
If you’ve decided to change your lifestyle, one potential piece of the puzzle may be diet.
Specific conclusions about diet and disease are difficult to draw because studies that prove a link between food and risk are difficult to conduct.
Many studies, for example, rely on people’s memories of what they ate. (If you can’t remember what you had for breakfast yesterday, you know what I’m talking about.)
However, over time, evidence tends to accumulate and lead to consensus.
When it comes to breast cancer, the most compelling scientific evidence to date on the link between cancer and diet supports a diet that’s primarily plant-based, anti-inflammatory foods, fish, and eliminates red meat, says Joe Feuerstein, MD, an integrative physician in Stamford, Connecticut, who counsels patients with a wide range of conditions on how to use their nutrition to improve their health.
An integrative doctor does not treat specific diseases, but rather manages the patient in the long term: refers him to consultations with other specialists and collects their findings into a single treatment program.
Why is controlling inflammation critical?
“Inflammation is part of the body’s normal response to healing injuries,” says Dr. Feuerstein.
“But this process releases substances that stimulate cell division, which is not good for cancer patients.”
Red meat is a particular concern. It contains hormones that promote breast cancer growth, chemicals that can disrupt the endocrine system, and heme iron, which can damage genes by causing oxidative stress, Feuerstein says.
And if you grill your meat, you’re adding heterocyclic amines, compounds linked to cancer risk, to the mix.
Is it really possible to change anything in your diet?
“No, you won’t eliminate the risk by eating an exclusively plant-based, anti-inflammatory diet,” Dr. Feuerstein admits.
“You won’t eliminate your risk by eating a mostly plant-based, anti-inflammatory diet,” says Feuerstein.
“To put it figuratively, imagine that you are trying to turn your garden into a place where weeds simply cannot take root,” he says.
Want to know what products will help you in this fight?
Here are six superfoods that Dr. Feuerstein recommends for women looking to reduce their risk of breast cancer or prevent it from developing.
1. Cruciferous Vegetables: The Superheroes of Your Diet
Named for its cross-shaped leaves and stems, this family of plants includes such beloved foods as Brussels sprouts, bok choy, arugula, kale, broccoli, and cauliflower.
Their incredible health benefits are simply invaluable, and these are not just words – scientific data confirms that these vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer and other types of cancer.
They contain sulforaphane, a powerful compound that fights the development of malignant cells. But not only that: in the composition of cruciferous vegetables you will also find vitamin C, carotenoids, glucosinolates and a whole range of other elements that resist the formation of cancer cells.
Dr. Feuerstein highly recommends adding these vegetables to your diet. Why?
Because they are rich in indole-3-carbinols, compounds that help detoxify excess estrogen, a hormone that promotes breast cancer growth.
Consider these vegetables your best allies in the fight against the disease. By including them in your daily menu, you put the defense on your side.
2. Eggs: An Unexpected Hero in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Dr. Feuerstein says the evidence for their preventative properties is overwhelming. He recommends including a couple of eggs in your diet each week.
Why? Because eggs are not only an excellent source of protein, but also a real storehouse of microelements.
The choline, lutein and zeaxanthin they are rich in are considered powerful disease fighters, helping to maintain health at the cellular level.
Add eggs to your menu to strengthen your body and increase your chances of preventing diseases. This is an affordable and healthy product that will bring you not only pleasure but also health benefits.
3. Fish: Your Natural Shield Against Breast Cancer
Epidemiological studies have long shown that in countries where people eat a lot of fish, breast cancer is less common.
This comparison with the meat-heavy Western diet further reinforces the importance of seafood.
Fish, especially fatty fish, is not only an excellent source of protein, but also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties due to polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Dr. Feuerstein recommends choosing cold-water fish like tuna (remember: choose light skipjack tuna to avoid high mercury levels), as well as sockeye salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel.
These foods can be an important part of maintaining your health and preventing breast cancer.
4. Green Tea: Your Antioxidant Ally Against Breast Cancer
Research confirms that green tea has powerful antioxidant properties.
“We are increasingly aware of its potential,” says Dr. Feuerstein. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage that can be caused by free radicals produced during normal metabolism.
These molecules are capable of damaging genes and provoking the growth of cancer cells.
“The polyphenolic compounds in green tea leaves act as natural neutralizers of these destructive molecules,” he adds.
What’s more, some studies suggest that these polyphenols may reduce levels of estrogen, a hormone that promotes breast cancer growth.
So your morning tea can be not only delicious, but also a powerful tool in cancer prevention.
5. Soy Products: Myths and Reality in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Soy was once controversial, especially among breast cancer survivors. The main concern was that soy contained substances that resembled estrogen.
But long-term research has dispelled these myths. Dr. Feuerstein explains: “Soy is an incredibly nutritious plant protein that contains all nine essential amino acids, which is extremely rare in the plant kingdom.”
He believes that soy is an ideal source of protein that can support health.
However, when choosing soy products, you should make smart choices. “Opt for whole soybeans, such as tempeh, edamame, miso, and tofu.
These products contain far fewer processed substances and phytoestrogens than soy shakes or supplements,” advises Feuerstein.
It is important to remember that processed soy products may have higher levels of phytoestrogens, which may pose health risks.
So, to strengthen your diet, choose natural, whole soy products!
6. Yogurt: A Healthy Alternative to Prevent Breast Cancer
Dairy products have long been the subject of controversy when it comes to breast cancer risk. Research has shown that as little as a quarter to a third of a cup of regular cow’s milk may increase the risk of breast cancer.
This may be due to the presence of sex hormones in milk, as cows are usually lactating and often pregnant.
The good news, however, is that the risk may be reduced if the dairy products are fermented. Dr. Feuerstein explains: “Fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, have much more beneficial effects on the body.”
Not only is yogurt a great source of calcium and protein, it also contains beneficial probiotics that help reduce inflammation and may reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Thus, yogurt can be not only a tasty but also a healthy addition to your diet, supporting health and helping prevent breast cancer.
Conclusion: A simple strategy to reduce breast cancer risk through diet
If you want to reduce your risk of breast cancer through dietary changes, focusing on plant foods and anti-inflammatory fish is a smart choice.
Including cruciferous vegetables, fermented yogurt, and natural soy products in your diet will help support health, reduce estrogen levels, and reduce inflammation.
Not only do these foods help improve your overall well-being, but they can also significantly reduce your risk of breast cancer by becoming an important part of your diet. Make a healthy choice and take care of your body!