Many of those who want to have a large dog as a pet, when choosing its breed, focus on
the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) . And it is not surprising: dogs of this breed have an impressive and majestic appearance.
Alabai are among the largest and strongest dogs. They are distinguished by strength, endurance and good health. Therefore, potential buyers of the animal ask themselves the question: is the Alabai evil or not?
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is considered one of the most ancient dog breeds. Alabai have a rich history that begins about 4,000 years ago. Their homeland is considered to be Central Asia.
Interestingly, humans played a minimal role in the history of the breed’s development. The final formation of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog was primarily influenced by harsh climatic conditions, in particular heat and lack of water.
Initially, Alabai were used for hunting large animals, guarding livestock and guarding. They bravely entered into battle with wolves and were excellent at protecting pastures. The modern Alabai is also used to guard territory, and is often kept as a companion dog.
The question of whether Alabai are dangerous has been worrying dog breeders for many years, given the formidable appearance of the Central Asian Shepherd and the peculiarities of the breed’s origin. The popular opinion that Alabai is evil is wrong. Dogs of this breed are balanced and have a calm character.
Question to the Expert
Alabai – is it Evil or Not?
Contrary to popular belief – the Alabai is evil, these dogs are not aggressive by nature. With proper socialization, Alabai show themselves as loyal, balanced and calm dogs, attached to their family and getting along well with children. However, the lack of proper education can lead to the Alabai becoming distrustful, aggressive and dangerous not only towards strangers, but also towards family members. Therefore, it is very important from an early age to accustom the Alabai to communication with people, animals, various situations and to properly socialize it.
Is the Alabai a Dangerous Dog?
Alabai is a dog with a strong character, proud and independent. It involuntarily evokes respect from everyone who watches it and its movements.
Is Alabai dangerous for humans? A dog of this breed gets along well with children of any age and recognizes not only one owner, but also all members of his family. It is noteworthy that Alabai gets along well with other pets that live under the same roof with him. However, the Central Asian Shepherd treats strangers with suspicion and distrust. Nevertheless, it never attacks them without good reason. It is important to firmly remember that the Central Asian Shepherd should never be angered or provoked.
How Dangerous is an Alabai for Humans?
Of course, due to its strength and impressive size, the Alabai is a potentially dangerous dog. The Alabai is dangerous because its attack on a person can lead to serious negative consequences. The dog never attacks without reason, but it must be treated with respect and extreme caution. Alabai owners should pay special attention to the upbringing and training of their pet.
An uncontrollable Alabai can become a real disaster for both them and strangers.
Can an Alabai Attack its Owner?
Can an Alabai attack its owner just like that? As a rule, no. An Alabai needs a reason to attack, and if there is one, the Alabai will first try to warn about a possible attack.
An aggressive Alabai most likely feels a threat to itself or the area it is guarding, it is quite possible that it has been angered.
Alabai owners are interested in whether an Alabai can bite its owner. An Alabai puppy is very active and mobile, it shows curiosity about everything that surrounds it. When a puppy plays with its owner, it can pinch and bite, but it can be weaned from this, for example, by purchasing special toys. An adult Alabai will never bite or attack without a reason.
Why does the Alabai Attack People?
Alabai is aggressive only when the situation requires it. The animal has a strong protective instinct by nature. If the Alabai thinks that you pose a threat to the territory it is protecting, it will start growling threateningly. In this case, you should leave immediately, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid an attack by a formidable animal.
In addition, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog should never be teased or provoked in any way. An angry Alabai poses a real threat to others. An Alabai should never walk around the city without a muzzle; a leash, collar and muzzle are required as a precaution. It
is extremely important to begin the process of socialization and education of the Alabai and its training as early as possible. The dog is very proud and freedom-loving, if you do not start educating it at an early age, it will turn into an uncontrollable beast that few can tame.
Definitely, an Alabai that was brought up in harsh conditions, did not receive proper education, led a passive lifestyle and did not interact with people, is very dangerous. However, a dog of any breed that has a difficult fate and was kept in improper conditions poses a potential danger to others.